There's a really wordy, in-depth, emotion-filled post concerning the impact that last year's Rob Rodriguez/Quentin Tarantino double feature masterpiece Grindhouse had on my life in this blog's future, but for now, I just couldn't resist posting two totally-neglected components of its theatrical version.
If you've been catching either Planet Terror or Death Proof on Starz , you're fucking up. This was the quintessential "theater going experience" movie, hugely because of the fake trailers that played in between the two flicks. One was funny and did a nice job opening the bill (Machete) one (Rob Zombie's Werewolf Women of the S.S.) was effective yet totally bodied by the other superior trailers....
....and then the other two were pure genius. First is Don't, directed by Edgar Wright, who rocked the shit with both Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Don't is so dope because of how well it captures the gothic-creepy-confusion of old British horror flicks, like the Hammer studio's arsenal as examples. A whole bunch of creepy and bloody (both in the gore sense and in the "what the bloody hell" sense) stuff happened, very little of it made any sense and/or worked into the central plot, but it was all great fun to watch. Just like this faux trailer, which I love to piece:
Second is Thanksgiving, directed by Eli Roth, the really arrogant dude behind the Hostel films. I'm no Roth hater, but I do think dude started feeling himself way too much, and being that Hostel 2 was a bit of a dud, hopefully he'll return sooner than later with something as insanely good as Cabin Fever. But this, here, is amazing, especially in how it feels like an actual flick that would've been considered a "video nasty" back in the '80s. Extra cool points go to Roth for sliding in the soggy organs used in Creepshow. Nice touch:
"White meat. Dark meat. All will be oarved." Love that shit....."It's blood. [Other guy] Son of a bitch!" Also love that shit.
Seeing Grindhouse on opening day will forever remain a life-altering experience in my life. And one day, I'll fully explain why. It'll be an extra-long blog, I'll tell ya that much.
Cat Moonlight dark blue
5 weeks ago
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