No, I don't watch The View.....not that there's only wrong with that, though. Just never home to actually see it while on the tube. But if this is the kind of goodness that's the norm, I may have to put my DVR to work once the roommate and I join the new technology circuit and actually purchase DVR.
Elizabeth Hasselbeck, or --back, or whatever your last name is (too lazy to Google research it at the moment, sorry)'re cute, sure, but I'm sorry---you're one huge maroon.
Watch this Palin-Obama-minded heatrock of a discussion that went down on The View....and tell me, doesn't Hasselbeck perfectly encapsulate the retarded, non-existent logic those who defend Palin and bash Obama spew out like vomit?
Obama Fan: "Tell us one thing that Palin has done that qualifies her to be VP, and possibly Pres?"
Palin Head: "Well.....there's.....uhh.....well, tell me one thing that Obama has done?"
No-answering bullshit....following up a question with a question is the biggest exhibition of "I don't know shit about this shit" ever. Don't do it.
1 month ago
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