These last few weeks have found me with zero motivation to socialize, at least in a typical bar setting. When I wrote about such feelings before, it was more of a spur-of-the-moment thing, jotting down sentiments as they emerged. But here, I've actually given it some serious thought, having done nothing all night but chill around my apartment in scrubby-clothes, bouncing back-and-forth from this here laptop to research stuff to the DVD player in my bedroom (rewatched Identity earlier, such an underrated gem of twisty suspense and razor-sharp writing; stars John Cusack and Ray Liotta, in case the title alone doesn't jostle any memory. And it'll forever go down in my personal history as one of the only films where I had zero ability to solve the twisting-conclusion. Totally yanked the rug from up under my legs the first time I saw out in a dingy Queens theater on opening weekend back in 2003).
Planning on watching my next Netflix Fix whenever my roommate hits his bed, want to watch it on our big-screen, living room tube, not my tiny bedroom one. It's this classic French suspense joint called Diabolique, made in 1956. I hear its a fucking mind-blower, so my hopes are Yao Ming-high. Just need dude to go to sleep already, so its not like fuckin' 3am by the time I start the 2-hour flick.
I had a chance to go out tonight, when one of my friends sent me a text at like 11:15pm to tell me that he was heading to this spot here in Hoboken called Bahama Mamas, which is like a real tourist trap, the place where all out-of-towners hit first, and has some wannabe-thug dudes cooking up fights on ice-grilles. Really lame. Been there, gotten drunk in that. Numerous times. Besides, hitting me at 11:15?? Come on, man. If you're my friend and you know me, you'd know that I'm pretty much mentally locked in by around 11pm on whether or not I'm partying. Missed my motivation to leave here by about 15 minutes, my dude. Better luck next time. Anyway, all that would've happened if I tossed on some jeans and met up there....I walk in, bobbing and weaving through an overcrowded, loud setting, bumping into dudes by accident who look at me like they're tough, pissing me off, and then I finally get to my friends in the back of the spot, and they're all drunk bastards, to which I'd have to catch up in intoxication lightning-fast, thus wasting upwards of $50 in the process, then leaving the Mamas two hours later with an empty wallet, a headache, and sexual frustration to show for it.
Damn, why didn't I go again? That all seems soooo enticing, doesn't it?
Last night, while enjoying some Papa Johns and Bud Light Limes here, my one friend who came through to participate in the face-stuffing-with-fatty-food extravaganza said some seriously stupid shit that I haven't been able to shake since. We were watching the Presidential Debate, and dude showed his "ignorant Republican" side in spades. I've known that he's pretty conservative, but I never realized how cluelessy-right-wing he is. Scarily so, at that.
Oh, quick sidenote: did anybody else notice how McCain never made eye contact with, or even looked at, Obama once the entire time? Even when they first shook hands? That shit was pissing me off the entire time as a viewer.
So my friend started vocally supporting everything McCain said, as in: "Get'em, Johnny," or, "That's right, you tell 'em, Johnny." And shrugging at everything Obama said. Now, to each his own, I feel, especially with political views. And far be it for me to judge somebody based on politics. I'm light-years-away from being considered "rather political savvy," but at the same time, this particular election has definitely registered with me, and I've caught myself watching CNN more and more. Which is a good thing, perhaps, though it can also be a bit negative, too (a sentiment I'll explore more in a future post).
But anyway, back to my friend. The issue of Sarah Palin was presented to my friend, by yours truly, and he proceeded to salute her and sing her praises. This really grinded my gears. If I pride myself on anything with this election, its seeing right through the total gimmick-selection Palin was by McCain and the crafty Repubs. Sure, sure, Obama isn't the most experienced candidate ever, but at least he can voice his opinions, ideas, and whatever knowledge he has....Palin is a fuckin' moron. Have you watched her interviews? Namely the debacle of a sitdown she had with cutie Katie Couric? I could've answered those questions better than Palin did.
She's 20,000 leagues deep over her head as a VP running mate. And was only selected by McCain to save his ass, add some zest to campaign which could've otherwise evaporated had he selected some other elderly white dude. But Palin invigorated the majority of fucking dumbass Americans who'd rather not be bothered by what a candidates actual stances are; they just love how Palin "looks like one of them," and seems "down to Earth." Fuck that. She's so underqualified that its shocking and, frankly, devastating to me, because it makes me realize that our nation's potential leader is actually willing to put our country into the hands of a know-nothing ploy such as Palin.
[a total MILF, yes, but a terrible VP choice. If she becomes our Vice President, I may request that my family and I move overseas]
You have to remember this: if McCain dies of old age or some shit while in office, Palin is then our President. I repeat, to let it sink in a bit.....Sarah Palin would be our President!! She'd be the one sitting down with foreign leaders. The same lady who couldn't even match wits with Katie Couric respectably. This is one major area where Obama proves himself to be the better choice. Even if he isn't well-versed in international matters, his VP choice, Joe Biden, more than is. Hell, its what he does best.
So think.....who would you feel more safe with as our President, under tragic circumstances: Sarah Palin, or Joe Biden???
Palin.....if I really wanted somebody in office who seems like "an everyday person," I'd push to have Dubya Bush stay in office longer. That himbo airhead definitely seems like a dude I'd have fun knocking some beers back with, doesn't he??
Back to my friend, though....he went on and on about how much he likes Sarah Palin, and how great she seems. So then I asked him what exactly does he about her, or what exact beliefs of her's does he agree with. And guess what his answer was? "I don't know much about her." What in the fuck??? And this is the lady you're basing your entire vote on???!!??!! I nearly fainted, mainly at this thought: my friend, sadly, is representative of a massive portion of this country, meaning, people who'll be voting come early November yet have absolutely no clue about what these running people actually stand for.
I'm certainly not greatly aware, myself. I found myself watching the debate last night in small bits of confusion. Some of the stuff they discussed seemed foreign language to me. But I'm trying to learn, as much as possible. But I know I have enough of an understanding of McCain, Obama, Biden, and Palin to know I'll be voting for the right ticket come November (take a wild guess who I'll be voting for?).
But in this sense, I feel I'm unfortunately in the minority. Truth of the matter is....too many people have immediately ruled out any possibility of voting for Obama simply based on the ignorant disliking of his skin color. It's fact, people, even though we live in 2008, not 1908. And then there's those who think Sarah Palin is cool, or relatable, or sexy, or whatever lame reason other than that she's fully qualified and prepared. Which she's not, sorry people.
In the current issue of Rolling Stone, with Metallica on the cover, there's a great article by their political columnist Matt Taibbi. Basically ripping Palin a new asshole, but all through actual facts, and the facts vs her convention speech's rampant fiction. It's a worthwhile read, especially for those like my friend who like her but don't have any real reason as to why.