One of my flaws I've always been open to admitting is my lack of political awareness. I know enough to get by, but in terms of engaging in intellectual debates over CNN and MSNBC fodder, I'd catch an L every time, unless I was debating against my niece. Or even nephew, for that matter. But my dad's side of the family is so passionately and outspokenly Democrat, that I've naturally been one myself, and proud of it. Liberal is me, and everything the party stands for and against coincides with my personal beliefs, so it fits like a glove.
And of course, that being said, I'm all about Obama this year. He has my vote locked, no question, and this Joe Biden fella impressed the hell out of me with that speech the other night at the Democratic National Convention.
But today, with McCain's announcement of his Vice President running mate, an Alaskan Governor named Sarah Palin, I feel like, for once, John McCain has impressed the shit out of yours truly. This is some slick, brilliant, art of war tactic shit right here, at least as far as I can register. Palin was a total surprise, nobody pegged her as his inevitable selection. I've heard Mitt Romney's name mentioned most, but not Palin. But after investigating her stats, it makes so much sense, it's damn near genius.
She's only three years older than Obama = the whole "McCain is a geezer, Obama is the young guy brining change" argument has just been countered by the Republicans. I wonder if the age issue will be such a lightning rod for us Dems anymore? It's no mystery that the VP is the one who actually makes the most calls, not the President. The Pres is largely the one in front of the scenes; behind, the VP makes moves. See Don Cheney and pupper Dubya.
Palin is, obviosuly, a she, meaning many of the voters who rallied behind Hillary Rodham Clinton because of her "strong female" angle could very well switch to the McCain side now that his running mate is another "strong female." Meaning, tons of those Hillary supporters who have been on the fence about Obama could very well turn their sights of backing on Palin. Girl power, as they say.
She's a history maker, and this election has been all about that. Palin has become the first woman to ever be named to a Republican ticket. Now if that's not shaking the system, as Obama and his peeps have said is a major must, I don't know what is.
It's almost like McCain's camp sat around anticipating Obama's VP choice. Once Biden was named, somebody exclaimed: "Damn, imagine if we had a younger woman on our ticket. Chess moves, motherfucker!" And then another white geezer was like, "Hey, how about that broad from Alaska?"....of course, I'm sure she was in the running secretly for much longer, but still. Makes sense, kinda, right?
Now, I'm not totally sold on the fact that Obama will win come November. I never was, frankly, but now I'm a bit less than before. I guess I'll just have to pay a closer eye to this whole race now, see if Palin shows some cracks that could turn swaying voters off to her. Time will tell.
What think everybody else? Is this a great strategic move by Repubs? A blow to Dems? Or nothing of either such?
1 month ago
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