For some inexplicable reason, I'm finding myself giddily enthused for next year's sequel, which is odd considering the lack of energy I've paid the first film other than deserved props awarded. I think the initial excitement settled in once Don Cheadle was announced as a sudden replacement for Terrance Howard, who I felt brought nothing to Iron Man. Cheadle is one of the best working actors in the game, so a notch was latched onto the sequel's iron belt. And then the announcements of Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke---two of my favorites on any screen---joining the fold as two villains hit, and I became officially jazzed. Then, British eye-pleaser Emily Blunt was announced as the victor of a coveted "Black Widow" third villain role, and the shit became a venerable platter of untouchable talent. However, backtracks and take-backs threatened the joy with reports of Rourke being lowballed with a meager financial offer, and Blunt having to fall back due to contractual obligations to star alongside Jack Black in a Gulliver's Travels film. All wasn't seeming well with Iron Man 2 suddenly.
Well, the revolving door seems to have finally shut, and the cast is confirmed. Rourke will indeed be playing the head villain, "Whiplash," who "will incorporate elements of the Crimson Dynamo’s backstory and appearance, along with elements of the comic book Whiplash, a former Stark employee who builds a costume that allows him to wield cybernetically controlled and electrically charged whips that can cause some serious damage to the Iron Man armour. Think Indiana Jones plugged into the mains and you’re on the right path." [Empire Online]:
And, stepping for Blunt to fill the Black Widow's skintight leather one-piece and stilettos is Scarlett Johansson, which should make any comic book-loving straight male pop something down below. Emily Blunt was clearly the best choice, so this is definitely a downgrade. Johansson has yet to prove much in the way of "exceptional acting" abilities, though she's exceptionally hot and always likeable on screen---two important traits. If anything, just think, this body, wrapped in a form-fitting bad-girl garb:
Albeit while delivering a terrible Russian accent, since Black Widow hails from, you guessed it, Russia, and Johansson doesn't strike me as a master of voice deception. Chatter has it that Johansson auditioned for the role early on but was passed over for Emily Blunt. Luck changes sometimes, a truth that Mrs. Ryan Reynolds must be currently preaching as a tome. Not to mention blockbuster franchise over pride.
Iron Man 2's cast now stands at: Robert Downey, Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Mickey Rourke, Sam Rockwell, and Scarlett Johansson. How's that for "stacked"?
Iron Man 2, out in May 2010.
News learned over at: Empire Online
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