But then I look at the pictures, and register the coolness, and all self-questioning is abandoned for sheer indulgence. Sue me. Insult my intelligence. All good with me.
So, last year, when McG's Terminator Salvation was first announced, the word was that it'd be rated PG-13, news that rightfully sent panicky shivers down the franchise's collective fan-spine. Any series that revels in bodycounts, heavy firepower, and homicidal robots must be R, and a hard-R at that. PG-13 is for pussies. Well, turns out that director McG never intended the film to be PG-13 and the jury is still out on its ultimate rating. Some fanboys rejoiced, of course. Others could care less.
At Cali's Wonder Con recently, there was a Terminator Salvation panel, where McG dropped some insider nuggets about the indecisive rating. He revealed that there'll be a topless scene featuring the film's hottest piece, Moon Bloodgood, that is meant to pay homage to the original Terminator film or some shit. And said nudity, more so than the violence and nihilistic anarchy, is a major reason why R may end up being seen at the poster's bottom.
And what did I take most out of this tidbit? A juicy reveal about one of the film's scenes? Some sort of plot wonderment? Nope.....all my eyes and ears felt was stimulation at this fact: Moon Bloodgood will be topless. Meaning, this woman will be topless:
Not sure which I am at this present moment: Beavis, or Butthead? You decide.
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